Join us every year on September 9th as we celebrate and acknowledge Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day. FASD Day, and the month of September, is devoted to raising awareness, and to challenge current misinformation and stigma surrounding FASD. Dufferin Wellington Guelph FASD encourages everyone to wear red; red shoes, red shirts, anything red, to show your support for individuals with FASD. Canadian educator and advocate, RJ Formanek, created the Red Shoes Rock campaign after wearing red shoes on an international stage to talk about FASD. Since then, Red Shoes Rock has become recognized internationally as a way to bring attention to this disability. For RJ, wearing red shoes are a symbol of power and strength. As such, wearing red shoes, or anything red, has now become acknowledged as a symbol of FASD Awareness.
FASD Awareness Day is held each year on September 9th. Please check our FASD Events Calendar for more information to come.